Community Management Blog

Blog Entries - Tips and Tools

Planning Your Community Block Party

Planning Your Community Block Party

Are you looking to bring your homeowner's association (HOA) community together and create lasting memories?  

Hosting a block party for your HOA is a wonderful way to foster a sense of community and build relationships among your residents.  

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Methods of Attracting New Homeowners to Your Community

Methods of Attracting New Homeowners to Your Community

April 29, 2024  |  Community, New Homeowners, Tips and Tools

Everyone wants to live in a beautiful, thriving community. However, without constant, focused efforts communities can slowly slip and lose some of their natural allure.  

This means that property values start to decrease, and fewer prospective home buyers will want to move into your community.  

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When Your HOA Should Call a Meeting

When Your HOA Should Call a Meeting

As a board member of a homeowners' association (HOA), have you ever wondered when it is necessary to call a meeting?  

Whether you are a current board member or a concerned resident, understanding the circumstances that warrant a meeting can help ensure effective communication and decision-making within your community. 

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What Should You Know Before Moving into a Community with a Homeowner's Association (HOA)?

What Should You Know Before Moving into a Community with a Homeowner's Association (HOA)?

Moving into a community with a Homeowner's Association (HOA) can bring both benefits and potential challenges. Before deciding to buy a property in an HOA community, it is important to understand what you are getting into. 

By being well-informed about the community you are considering moving into, you can make a more confident decision about whether it is the right fit for you.

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A man signing papers. The text reads, "Common Challenges in Real-Estate Lending and Closing"

Common Challenges in Real-Estate Lending and Closing

Have you been struggling to understand all the ins and outs of buying property? We understand that real estate lending and closing can be difficult to figure out if you are unfamiliar with the process or are a first-time buyer.  

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People sitting around a table having a meeting. The text reads, "How Do I Become a Member of My HOA Board?"

How Do I Become a Member of My HOA Board?

Serving on your HOA's board is one of the best things you can do to encourage the growth of your community in a positive direction. Board members are responsible for planning for the future and maintaining the rules and regulations of the community. 

HOA boards typically have between three and seven seats, sometimes with a president or community organizer leading the group. Because of this, it can sometimes be difficult to join your HOA board and you may even have to campaign for a spot in a community-wide election. 

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